Third Ordinary Resolution – Benefits
That the Members authorise (and declare to be reasonable) the payment or reimbursement by the Club or the provision by the Club at the Club’s expense of, the following rights and benefits for Directors and such other respective persons as the Board authorises or approves from time to time, with an aggregate annual limit of $35,000:
(a) The payment of reasonable costs of Directors attending conferences and training in relation to their roles and responsibilities as Directors of the Club.
(b) The payment of reasonable costs of each Director attending at the premises of other Registered Clubs for the purpose of observing the facilities and methods of operation of those Clubs provided such attendances has the prior approval of the Board as being reasonably necessary for the purpose of the Club.
(c) The payment of reasonable costs of each Director attending Meetings of other Associations of which the Club is a member provided such attendance is at the direction of the Board.
(d) The payment of reasonable costs of each Director, Chief Executive Officer and where considered necessary staff members attendance at Seminars, Lectures, Trade Displays, Organised Study Tours, Fact-finding Tours and other similar events as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
(e) The payment of reasonable costs of each Director with spouses to attend functions where appropriate and required by the board to represent the Club.
(f) The payment of reasonable costs of a meal and drinks for Directors when they attend Board Meetings and those Meetings coincide with normal meal times.
(g) The payment of reasonable costs of each Director attending the Annual General Meeting and Conference of ClubsNSW.
(h) The reasonable costs of food and drinks for the entertainment of person as the Directors from time to time determine as being necessary to promote the interest of the Club.
(i) The cost of two free drinks to those Members who attend the Annual General Meeting. Such drinks to be available immediately after the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
Explanatory note: Directors’ out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred in the course of carrying out their duties can already be authorised by the Board for reimbursement. However the proposed resolution in the interest of transparency makes disclosure of some of the types of expenses likely to be incurred.
To the extent that the resolution involves the payment of certain specific out-of-pocket expenses, the resolution will acknowledge that expenses of the types proposed are reasonable: and there is or will be a current resolution of the Board authorising the payment of expenses of that kind before they are paid.
The provision of benefits by the club not in the form of money or a cheque being provided to a specific class of member, is only permissible with a current authorisation from a general meeting.
A profit, benefit or advantage that is not offered equally to every full member and able to be authorised as a nonmoney benefit, is still permissible if the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority is of the opinion that it is reasonable in the circumstances. The resolution seeks to acknowledge the types of profit, benefit or advantage that are regarded by the members as being reasonable in the circumstances.